Friday, October 19, 2007

Wiggles Live in Erie, October 18, 2007

First off, these pictures are horrible!!!! I admit it.

I guess those of you who don't have young kids that are 'Wiggle-heads' won't find this post very entertaining...

  • Our seats! We had an aisle seat so Bean got to dance!
  • Seeing them so up close. Captain, Anthony and Jeff Passed right by us. Ben aka "I'vebeen-a-wiggly-dancer-forever" Ran up our asile as well.
  • Anthony calling out to Murray during Murray's introduction of "Dancing with Wags the Dog", "Murray there is a sign for Wags out there in the Middle!" and Murray peering out at us and reading " 'Bean Loves Wags the Dog' Fantastic!"
  • all the dialog mess ups were funny. I guess thats why they picked Erie to work out all the kinks before they moved on to bigger venues. A piece of scenery fell on Jeff during "Play your guitar with Murray"
  • Anthony...funny sweet down to earth. Murray, so soft spoken and kind. Sam..yes Sam. He's not Greg, but Greg's not Sam. Sam does have something special. You can hear it in the new songs. All of them tried to take all the hand s of all the kids they could, if someone thrust out a Camera, they tried to pose. Really Sweet.
  • They didn't do "Wake up Jeff" or "Where's Jeff" boo
  • Didn't do "Queen of the Roses" Katerina just gathered up the roses and the bones together. bah.
  • No "Hoo-Dee-Do" They had a bunch of dialog about Pennsylvania Polka...then no

973bean copy
Bean on stage before the concert . Just a wee bit excited.

"Ah nuts! my hot potato crayon broke already"


Anthony couldn't remeber his dialog, so Captain had to say it for him.

"We are Healthy, We are Strong" New song. Sam makes lots of funny faces. Or he must because he's making a funny face in every picture. (opps blogger cut the picture on it to see Sam)

"Fruit Salad" Super Bouncy fruit Captain and Anthony were throwing at each other. (Click to see full picture)

"Play you guitar with Murray"

What else?" "Quack quack quack, Cock-doodle -do!"

Dancing to "Quack quack"

Another new song..."English Garden"

An Okay shot of 3 of the guys. (click to see Murray)

Okay now you are going to ask why are there so many picture of the big red car? Well they all have to do something in the car don't they? I mean Anthony eats, Murray plays guitar, Jeff falls asleep, couldn't capture that all in 1 picture, could I? (hee sorry about this)
"Murray's in the backseat, playing his guitar" (click to see full)

"So lets all call out, 'Wake up Jefff!' " (you can see a ok pic of Fernando, the boy who sings "Everyone Calls me Ducky" in Cold Spagetti Western. He's 18 now.)

"Anthony is eating..." It was very nice of Anthony too look right at our Camera too!

"Sam is doing the driving.." This was clicked during the scooby-do-wah, hence Sam's face. Although we didn't get a picture of Sam's normal face at all, he's not really funny looking. (You can see Ben on the left too. Look how thin he is!)

I guess we can talk about Sam now, as I am sure everyone who hasn't seen yet is wondering how he is.
Well, honestly...he's just fine! His voice is very different thanGreg's. Greg's voice is rich and masculinely baritone, Sam's is melodic..smooth. The only songs that were jarring to hear Sam on were "Hot Potato" "Here comes a Bear" and "Play your Guitar with Murray" .
"Rockaby your Bear" sounded great with him, as did all of the new ones. He sang "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" at the very end, and it was was wonderful. Bean was mesmerized.

Bean didn't seem to mind Greg's absence. After the concert she reports,"I like the 'lellow wiggle".

Whoops Sam is still doing the driving and singing scooby do-wah

Curtain Call!

Saturday, May 19, 2007


973mana5, originally uploaded by rufusbeans.

Stalllion Organic Merino

Sunday, March 18, 2007

March 18

3_15_07-49b, originally uploaded by rufusbeans.

Action shot. I skipped a bunch of days. sorry.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

March 7

P1010789b, originally uploaded by rufusbeans.

March 6

985toadstool2, originally uploaded by rufusbeans.

March 5

984goldfishstripes, originally uploaded by rufusbeans.

March 4

985subtle, originally uploaded by rufusbeans.

Saturday, March 3, 2007

March 3

P1010742b, originally uploaded by rufusbeans.

March 2

3-1-07-03b, originally uploaded by rufusbeans.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

March 1

P1010714, originally uploaded by rufusbeans.

Feb 28

P1010713, originally uploaded by rufusbeans.

Feb 27

P1010721, originally uploaded by rufusbeans.

Buh-bye Yarn of the month yarn.

Feb 26

P1010716, originally uploaded by rufusbeans.

Yarn of the month ready to go

Monday, February 19, 2007

Feb 19

P1010673, originally uploaded by rufusbeans.

Feb 18

994somethingclose, originally uploaded by rufusbeans.

Feb 17

P1010665, originally uploaded by rufusbeans.

Feb 16

992lavbclose, originally uploaded by rufusbeans.

Feb 15 Installing Floors

999photos-18b, originally uploaded by rufusbeans.


Feb 14th

unnamedyarn, originally uploaded by rufusbeans.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Feb 13

Pals, originally uploaded by rufusbeans.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Feb 12

Swing at the School, originally uploaded by rufusbeans.

Is anybody even looking at my phot blog anymore? :(

Feb 11

Sun Bath, originally uploaded by rufusbeans.


Saturday, February 10, 2007

Feb 10

P1010616b, originally uploaded by rufusbeans.

Friday, February 9, 2007

Feb 9

P1010611, originally uploaded by rufusbeans.

Feb 8

995futbol2, originally uploaded by rufusbeans.

Feb 7

995rufusball, originally uploaded by rufusbeans.

Feb 6

P1010563, originally uploaded by rufusbeans.

Feb 5

995dunderskunskeins, originally uploaded by rufusbeans.

Feb 4

P1010592, originally uploaded by rufusbeans.

Feb 3

995dunderskundball3, originally uploaded by rufusbeans.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Jan 31

997yomlion2, originally uploaded by rufusbeans.

Lion Cub

YOTM Selection

Jan 30

997yomfam2, originally uploaded by rufusbeans.


Jan 29

997levirabbitbig, originally uploaded by rufusbeans.

Levi Rabbit

Monday, January 29, 2007

Jan 28 Diablo

998diablobig, originally uploaded by rufusbeans.