What is going on at the Bean household lately?
Well Bean is doing well. She loves her dance class, loves her teacher Mrs. A, loves pink, loves horses.
In January she and I went to a bunch of open houses at Catholic schools in Bigtown. Its not that Littletown, our township, doesn't have a good school district (its one of the best in the state, actually) its just some aspects of NCLB that we do not agree with.
We found one we really liked. So much so that we went home and convinced Beandad that it was great. We want to put her in there for kindergarten, but they also have a preschool.
Why mess with her preschool if she is happy at Smalltown preschool? I am wondering. Smalltown preschool isn't perfect.
- she gets along with most of the kids
- she likes her co-teacher Mrs. A
- she doesn't hate her other co-teacher Mrs. B
- it is cheaper than Bigtown Catholic
- it is just a few minute drive
- she has a issue with one little girl. Girl pulls her everywhere and controls her.
- little feedback
- little parent involvement
Beandad wants to apply at both and see if we can get a scholarship to either. I am all for that, but I do worry about not enrolling in her current preschool next year because of the friends she's made, and because she likes it.
Well I think That's big enough post for today!
Miss you like crazy! It seems like forever since you've blogged at the other place. I love getting a lot of feedback at C's preschool. The new school does sound good! Would she have a little uniform there? So wish she and C could get together to play horses!
How are pups?
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